The Official
Referee Spray Holster!

Ideal for Vanishying Spray

Clip Grip Go was designed by healthy people for healthy living. It's unique design makes it great as a versital use. In fact, Clip Grip Go is official holster of the world famous Ref Spray. Ref Spray is a vanyishing/dissappearing spray used by professional and college referees to make temporary markings on the soccer filed.
Thanks to the 'one size fits mmost' band, Clip Grip Go can be used for most size canisters and for most brands of vanyishing spray. The snug band and high quality clip secures the spray canister even through rigirous exercise sessions such as jogging and sprinting while officiating soccer and other sports. The quick release mechanism makes its use ideal and easy and replacing the canister onto the holster is as seamless.

Order your Clip Grip Go today and take your referee career to the next level!